
来源:笔趣写作网 4.33K

  Welcoming a New Comer
  Class 2, Senior 2
  No. 5 Middle School
  Taiyuan, 030012
  Shanxi, China
  Sept. 2, 1999
  Class X, Senior 2
  Anthony School
  Bennington, Vermont, 02501
  U. S. A.
  Dear Alice,
  It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our cLAsS.
  It is said that you have been studying in an English-Chinese bilingual① school since your early years, so you speak both English and Chinese well. Therefore, I think you will surely keep pace with②us cLAsSmates in your studies.
  Ours is an excellent cLAsS. All the cLAsSmates are united as one in whatever we do. All of us work hard at our studies, help each other in everything, and learn from each other the strong points.
  After you come to our cLAsS, we can learn from you in English studies. I hope you will help us with it. And we can help you in overcoming all the difficulties that you will meet.
  Let us get together for a common goal in our school life in the coming years. Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.
  Yours truly,
  Li Yang
  ①bilingual [bai'liRgw l] a. 双语的;两种语言的
  ②keep pace with (跟……)齐步前进;(和……)并驾齐驱
  欢迎信(letters showing welcome to somebody)是一种礼节性的信件,常常用于欢迎同学、同事、上级领导、外单位人员前来本学校、本单位参观、学习、访问等。这类信文体正式,不过,要写得亲切、友好、有诚意。
